Online shopping is becoming the world's prefered way for purchasing goods.I've got to admit that it's a really great and easy way to purchase something without even getting out from home, but I had this annoying situation last day.I was going to buy something from an online store. I have done everything I had to and than suddenly an error blocked my order.It said that there was a 3D secure scan in the site and I just couldn't pass it.I have tried a few more times with different cards, and everytime the same error occured. Then I have sand them an email and asked why is this hapening and why can't I pass this secure scan, and the have told me that I should ask my bank and tell them about it, so they can fix the problem. When the bank answered me, they said that they don't know what this 3D secure scan is and how they can help me, so I just quit.
Can someone tell how to fix this kind of problems, and give any advises?
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